Friends of Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum (FLAG) takes its members' privacy seriously and takes every reasonable measure to ensure that their information is safe and accurate at all times. We will never share members' data with anyone else except with their written or e-mailed permission and that would be a rare occurrence.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires us to tell members the lawful basis for processing their information. FLAG relies on what the legislation calls 'legitimate interests'. This entails our keeping our members informed of our work via publications such as our Newsletter and reminders of forthcoming presentations and events, which members would expect us to do.
This policy explains why FLAG collects information from its members and how it is used.
Members may give us their personal information when signing up for membership, making donations or any other payments.
The personal information may include a member's name, address, e-mail address, telephone numbers, payments card or bank details (the latter two categories usually being in respect of remittances for membership subscriptions or excursions payments).
FLAG will use members' personal information to:
At any time a member may change how they wish to hear from FLAG or have their data removed for FLAG's database by contacting the Honorary Membership Secretary.
Occasionally FLAG might need to update its Privacy Policy: it reserves the right to amend, update or replace it at any time. A member s continued membership and use of membership services will constitute a member s acceptance of any such changes, which will be published in its literature and web page